Kibana wathcer plugin : .Notifications provided by can I receive alerts to my device?
1. Sign up for free to PushApps from Create an app and add your GCM API key. You can use ours which is AIzaSyCc0d1tfD5qaO2y8R-MK2rk1BQc8EtolH0 but if you do dont set the sender id in the next section3. Create a QR containing link with the form pushapps://sdk_key/set/?sender_id=, from this website for example: , and open the link. You can share the QR code with your organization.4. Enter your API key in your kaae.json file in the kaae plugin, and set actions with type pushapps, you will receive them as push notifications and will be able to view their link as well.
For any question feel free to reach us at
[email protected]